Tue, Mar 4, 2025

5 PM – 6 PM EST (GMT-5)

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IMPORTANT: Please complete the following form to let us know if you'd like to participate as a mentor or mentee, and share a bit about your interests and experience so we can pair you thoughtfully - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd3wd1AwXcLnIqb74Ip_kYvgCMRgDKLgycsQqDID2dXJcuXgQ/viewform?usp=sharing


Langone students bring a diverse range of experiences and insights, and this event is all about tapping into that collective knowledge! Whether you're interested in passing on your expertise or eager to learn from others, join us for a dynamic speed mentoring session. This is a unique opportunity to connect with and learn from multiple peers, and even potentially spark long-term mentor-mentee relationships.

During the hour-long event, you’ll be paired with multiple mentors / mentees for quick chats, to give you an opportunity to connect with a broad group of fellow students. After the speed mentoring rounds, we'll also have time to mingle and connect with others you didn’t get a chance to meet during the session. Pizza will also be provided!

Don't miss out on the opportunity to connect with and learn from your Langone community!

Please note: Unfortunately, we cannot accept any day-of sign-ups.
Dress Casual (jeans ok)
Food Provided (Pizza)

Hosted By

Langone Student Government (LSG) | Website | View More Events

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