instructions for NYU Stern School of Business
Welcome to CampusGroups, Stern's hub for club and involvement opportunities for MBA students. Please see below for sign-in information specific to your student status.
Current MBA students and alumni: Please use the "Stern SSO" button to log in with Stern Single-Sign On (SSO). You should use your Stern NetID and password on the SSO page.
Incoming MBA students: All new students are added to CampusGroups by the Office of Student Engagement prior to orientation. After you are added, you will have full access to the platform and be able to participate in our Club Expo, which is a highly interactive way to learn about different clubs and opportunities to get involved at Stern. You'll receive an email from OSE notifying you when your account is ready.
Non-MBA students: Please note that non-MBA students will have limited access to the CampusGroups platform. We encourage you to explore the opportunities for involvement available to you through your program of study.
Please contact OSE at students@stern.nyu.edu with any inquiries, concerns, or technical difficulties.