NYU Stern School of Business | Groups


Outside of the signature basketball and social events, we have regular pick-up games at the NYU facilities. Our most common location is The Palladium. We have members joining the regular run nearly every day of the week, though Fridays in the late morning are particularly popualr. During off-peak hours, we've also had luck taking over the entire court with 10-15 players. 

Want to play? Check the court schedule here and make sure it's open: https://gonyuathletics.com/sports/2014/12/18/pafmaincourt.aspx?id=1520

Send a message to the club on Microsoft Teams to see if others are able to join:  https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3aa81704047d024f96b28ff3c3b0ee58d3%40thread.skype/conversations?groupId=46739666-3596-4de7-8f58-0e6c792a743a&tenantId=5ed77815-beb7-4a1a-b3c6-4aee8e2d2669

The challenge with Palladium is the space, as the one court is often crowded with other students and NYU affiliated gym members. This year, we will try to organize a weekly or bi-weekly game at the Brooklyn Athletic Facility. The court is larger, nicer, and often not crowded. It is not open for free-play as often, due to Varsity practices. Be sure to check the Brooklyn court schedule before heading there: https://gonyuathletics.com/sports/2015/1/28/bafgymnasium.aspx?id=1533

Finally, we encourage Stern Hoops members to join the NYU Intramural League.This is not club affiliated, but the past few years the MBA1s and MBA2s have have separate teams and have met in-season and during the playoffs. There are fall and spring season. More info here: https://www.imleagues.com/NYU