Welcome NYU Stern Full-Time MBA Class of 2026!

Dear Incoming MBA1s,

Our names are Jennings and Matt, and as co-presidents of Stern's Management Consulting Association (MCA), we are excited to welcome you to the Stern community. MCA is Stern's professional club for all things consulting. Our mission is to help interested students build successful careers in the management consulting industry by providing educational programming, interview preparation, mentorship, and networking opportunities.

For those wondering how you can best prepare over the summer, we'd like to break our advice into two buckets: general guidance and consulting-specific tips. Starting with the general side:

  1. Stay up to date: check your admissions materials for a link to the admitted students' Slack workspace and join the #mca channel. We'll be using it as our primary method of communication with you prior to LAUNCH in the fall, and it'll allow you to connect with the rest of your class, current students, and other Stern clubs and organizations.Plan your transition to Stern: recruitment for consulting internships starts almost immediately in the fall, and is the busiest time of most students' MBA careers. Make sure to get all your paperwork filled out, housing sorted out, and any pre-LAUNCH assignments completed so that you're not stressed when you arrive.
  2. Plan your transition to Stern: recruitment for consulting internships starts almost immediately in the fall, and is the busiest time of most students' MBA careers. Make sure to get all your paperwork filled out, housing sorted out, and any pre-LAUNCH assignments completed so that you're not stressed when you arrive.
  3. Enjoy your summer: whether you're working till August, traveling the world, or spending time with family and friends, be present and make the most of your time. We'll have all the resources you need to succeed ready for you when you get here in the fall.

On to the consulting specific notes, for those feeling anxious or ambitious, here are a few low-lift, high-impact actions you can take to orient yourself before school starts:

  1. Attend these optional pre-MBA programs: several firms offer summer programs that will allow you to learn more about them and consulting in general. We've compiled a list of those that are open for applications here. Please note you will need to use your @stern.nyu.edu email address to access the file, your @nyu.edu or personal addresses will NOT work.

    If you cannot attend any of these optional programs, don't worry — it will NOT hurt your chances of landing an internship. Their primary purpose is to educate you on the firm, the industry, and the recruiting process and you'll receive all of this information (and more) from us in the fall.
  2. Start following industry news: consulting encompasses a broad set of industries and functions, so keeping up with general developments in the business world is an essential part of the preparation process. You can get a head start by subscribing to the New York Times and Wall Street Journal, both of which are free to Stern students.
  3. Start brushing up on mental math: Consulting firms will provide you with cases to solve during interviews, which will require you to do a good amount of math without a calculator or Excel. You'll get access to many resources and math drills when you get here in the fall. Still, if you want to start dusting off your multiplication tables, practicing calculating percentages, and working with fractions a little early, it can only help.

We want you to know that you'll be given ample opportunity and guidance on preparing when you join us in the fall, so don't stress about things now. If you have further questions, don't hesitate to get in touch with our VPs of Admissions, Lizzie (emd9481@stern.nyu.edu) and Collins (cws10026@stern.nyu.edu).

Have a great summer, and see you in August,

Jennings and Matt