Book Recommendations
Value Investing:
Berkshire Hathaway Shareholder Letters
"The Intelligent Investor", Benjamin Graham
"The Most Important Thing", Howard Marks
"Margin of Safety", Seth Klarman
"The Outsiders", William Thorndike
"Capital Returns: Investing Through the Capital Cycle", Edward Chancellor
Leveraged / Distressed Credit:
"Distressed Debt Analysis: Strategies for Speculative Investors", Stephen Moyer
"A Pragmatist's Guide to Leveraged Finance: Credit Analysis for Bonds and Bank Debt", Robert Kricheff
"Standard & Poor's Fundamentals of Corporate Credit Analysis", Blaise Ganguin and John Bilardello
Special Situation:
"You Can Be a Stock Market Genius", Joel Greenblatt
GARP (Growth At a Reasonable Price):
"One Up on Wall Street", Peter Lynch
"Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits", Philip Fisher
Business Strategy:
"Competition Demystified", Bruce Greenwald
"Understanding Michael Porter", Joan Magretta
"Valuation: Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies", McKinsey & Co.
"The Little Book of Valuation", Aswath Damodaran
"Accounting for M&A, Credit, and Equity Analysts", James Morris
"Financial Shenanigans", Howard Schilit
"The Investment Checklist", Michael Shearn
"Quality of Earnings", Thornton O'Glove
Thinking and Networking:
"Influence", Robert Cialdini
"How to Win Friends and Influence People", Dale Carnegie
"Thinking Fast and Slow", Daniel Kahneman
"Fooled By Randomness", Nassim Taleb
"The Black Swan", Nassim Taleb
"Antifragile", Nassim Taleb
Industry Specific:
"House of Morgan", Ron Chernow (JP Morgan)
"Money and Power: How Goldman Sachs Came to Rule the World", William Cohan (Goldman Sachs)
"Shoe Dog", Phil Knight (Nike)
"Sam Walton: Made in America", Sam Walton (Walmart)
"The Prize" – Daniel Yergin (oil and gas)
"Cable Cowboy", Mark Robichaux (Cable / John Malone)
"The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon", Brad Stone (Amazon)
"Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future", Ashlee Vance (Tesla / Elon Musk)
Areas of High Finance
Investment Banking:
"Monkey Business", John Rolfe and Peter Troob
Private Equity:
"Barbarians at the Gate - The Fall of RJR Nabisco", Bryan Burrough and John Helyar
"King of Capital: The Remarkable Rise, Fall, and Rise Again of Steve Schwarzmann and Blackstone", David Carey and John Morris
"King Icahn: The Biography of a Renegade Capitalist", Mark Stevens
"The Predators' Ball : The Inside Story of Drexel Burnham and the Rise of Junk Bond Raiders", Connie Bruck
Hedge Fund:
"Money Masters of Our Time", John Train
"More Money Than God", Sebastian Mallaby
"When Genius Failed", Roger Lowenstein
"Fooling Some of the People All the Time, A Long Short Story", David Einhorn
"Confidence Game: How Hedge Fund Manager Bill Ackman Called Wall Street's Bluff", Christine Richard
"The Greatest Trade Ever", Greg Zuckerman
"The Big Short", Michael Lewis
Sell-side Research:
"Confession of a Wall Street Analyst", Daniel Reingold
"Exile on Wall Street", Mike Mayo
Sales and Trading:
"Liar's Poker", Michael Lewis
"The Buy Side", Turney Duff