From: Stern Management & Strategy Club
Date: September 9, 2019
Subject: SMS Weekly Newsletter (9/9)


  WHAT'S INSIDE (9/9/2019)


Welcome to SMS!
We're so excited to be kicking off a new year with all of you. Please stay tuned to the newsletter for corporate finance and internal strategy job listings from CareerAccount, event updates, and more!

Microsoft Teams
If you haven't already, please join us on Microsoft Teams for the latest event updates updates or quick questions.

AVP Applications
AVP applications will open on Friday, 9/13 and you should receive an email from Student Government with the links to club applications. We are looking for AVPs in the following roles

- Knowledge Management
- Corporate Finance
- Corporate Relations
- Events
- Alumni Relations
- Langone
- Admissions
- Communications
- Finance

For more information about each role, please refer to the attached deck from the club kick-off and feel free to let us know via email or Microsoft Teams if you have any questions! Applications are due Tuesday, 9/17. 


GFA Club Kick-Off - Wednesday, 9/11 12:00PM-12:45PM - KMC 1-70
For any MBA1s interested in pursuing a career in investment banking, please make sure to attend the GFA Club Kick-off. The IB recruiting process takes a lot of involvement in the fall semester. RSVP Here

Pepsico Case Competition Application Deadline - Monday, 9/16
Pepsico is hosting an MBA business case competition on October 19-20, 2019 and Stern has been selected to send 1 Finance representative. Please email if you are interested in participating. Stern is also sending a representative for marketing, so if you're interested in that, please contact GMA.

"What is a Rotational Program?" Panel - Thursday, 9/19 12:00PM-1:30PM - KMC 11-75 (Cantor Ballroom)
Please join us for a general information session on the purposes and advantages of rotational programs in corporate finance and internal strategy, advice on how to interview for and navigate them, and to hear about some current MBA2s experiences with the process. RSVP Here


MBA Exchange - Great resource for General Management/Corp Finance job listings
Transparent Career - Great resources for MBA salary & compensation data
Relish MBA - Great resource for MBA job listings
Questions? Comments?  Join us on Microsoft Teams or send an email to

  • SMS_Club_Kickoff_Deck

    "What is a Rotational Program?" Panel Event with MasterCard, JPMC, Prudential, MMC and RBI!

    Thursday, September 19, 2019
    12:00pm - 1:30pm
    Cantor Boardroom (KMC 11-75), 44 West 4th Street, New York, NY 10012,
    Add to Google Cal, Outlook, Yahoo, iCal

    Join SMS and a panel of alumni representatives from MasterCard, Prudential, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Restaurant Brands International, and JP Morgan Chase as we discuss rotational programs and the launchpad they can provide to your career. Lunch will be served!